Member of
the Lancre Highland Regiment
Last Updated: 30 days ago Last Online: 7 days ago
Top 15 by Level | Level | Bonus |
fighting.melee.mace | 1090 | 800 |
fighting.special.tactics | 1020 | 550 |
fighting.defence.parrying | 1010 | 700 |
adventuring.health | 1000 | 736 |
fighting.special.weapon | 1000 | 636 |
adventuring.perception | 680 | 400 |
fighting.defence.dodging | 659 | 500 |
fighting.unarmed.grappling | 627 | 500 |
fighting.defence.blocking | 626 | 500 |
fighting.unarmed.striking | 569 | 433 |
fighting.points | 516 | 465 |
crafts.music.instruments.wind | 490 | 355 |
fighting.special.mounted | 473 | 401 |
crafts.medicine.firstaid | 469 | 336 |
adventuring.direction | 457 | 354 |
Top 15 by Bonus | Level | Bonus |
fighting.melee.mace | 1090 | 800 |
adventuring.health | 1000 | 736 |
fighting.defence.parrying | 1010 | 700 |
fighting.special.weapon | 1000 | 636 |
fighting.special.tactics | 1020 | 550 |
fighting.unarmed.grappling | 627 | 500 |
fighting.defence.blocking | 626 | 500 |
fighting.defence.dodging | 659 | 500 |
fighting.points | 516 | 465 |
fighting.unarmed.striking | 569 | 433 |
adventuring.movement.riding.horse | 434 | 410 |
fighting.special.mounted | 473 | 401 |
adventuring.movement.sailing | 416 | 400 |
adventuring.perception | 680 | 400 |
fighting.range.fired | 366 | 371 |
Lifetime Experience | |||||||||||||||||||