Bonus 650
ETB 712
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2mo 6mo 1yr now 1mo 6mo
1the priesthood of Gapp Juppie
804 650 712
2the priesthood of Gufnork PhantomRacer 666 567 555
3the priesthood of Sek iblis 600 543 545
4the priesthood of Hat scouter 440 462 494
5the priesthood of Gapp Numb 423 447 223
6the priesthood of Gufnork Yukk 529 427 370
7the priesthood of Sandelfon Adyton 450 422 313
8the priesthood of Gufnork Yukiko 400 414 464
9the priesthood of Gapp Julie
500 412 385
10the priesthood of Hat Shmant 400 404 308
11the priesthood of Pishe FraLipoLipi 442 404 202
12the priesthood of Fish Inige 502 397 340
13the priesthood of Sek Cinnamon 450 395 498
14the priesthood of Pishe Llia
400 379 411
15the priesthood of Fish Tarzan 416 377 314
16the priesthood of Gapp Seirou 348 373 321
17the priesthood of Pishe Fegreac 337 373 348
18the priesthood of Sandelfon Tony 300 372 254
19the priesthood of Pishe Tameri 350 362 345
20the priesthood of Pishe sevyn 360 362 276
21the priesthood of Sandelfon Ezate 311 360 242
22the priesthood of Fish Korak 300 359 286
23the priesthood of Pishe Henrey 400 359 238
24the priesthood of Sek BeastEater 400 359 284
25the priesthood of Fish Phabian 300 357 178
26the priesthood of Gufnork Acantha 309 357 285
27the priesthood of Hat Thoin 400 356 178
28the priesthood of Hat Wigglefigs 302 355 318
29the priesthood of Pishe Priesht 300 353 176
30the priesthood of Sek Jems 300 353 239
31the priesthood of Pishe Kheemo 350 353 437
32the priesthood of Sandelfon Asaram 325 353 458
33the priesthood of Fish Lily 352 353 235
34the priesthood of Pishe Jubilee 300 353 176
35the priesthood of Pishe Nairu 331 352 176
36the priesthood of Sek Lekh 294 350 175
37the priesthood of Pishe Vikiq 300 349 248
38the priesthood of Pishe Rafaello 300 349 174
39the priesthood of Gufnork Boomer 300 349 174
40the priesthood of Pishe Fraelin 301 349 299
41the priesthood of Sandelfon Justanalt 363 348 285
42the priesthood of Pishe Pli 323 347 360
43the priesthood of Hat Healingwindo 300 346 173
44the priesthood of Pishe Cadderly 347 346 173
45the priesthood of Pishe New 303 346 329
46the priesthood of Pishe Vernon 300 345 172
47the priesthood of Pishe Soothsayer 300 345 172
48the priesthood of Pishe Kloke 320 345 282
49the priesthood of Pishe Whisper 300 344 235
50the priesthood of Sek Cruellus 300 344 172
51the priesthood of Pishe Trew 305 344 172
52the priesthood of Pishe Juris 301 342 263
53the Assassins' Guild (Black Widow House) Aphaea 438 341 223
54the priesthood of Pishe Lishe 300 340 234
55the priesthood of Pishe Jeanie 300 340 387
56the priesthood of Pishe Bogor 300 340 170
57the priesthood of Pishe Asriel 300 340 232
58the priesthood of Hat Artimus 300 340 258
59the priesthood of Fish betta 300 340 170
60the priesthood of Pishe Nue 301 339 233
61the priesthood of Sek Mishal 302 339 326
62the priesthood of Pishe Midvalley 300 337 168
63the priesthood of Pishe Garrion 332 337 329
64the priesthood of Sandelfon Dvalinn 329 337 286
65the priesthood of Pishe Thalasso 305 336 294
66the priesthood of Sek Taliesin 311 336 282
67the Ancient and Truly Original Brothers of the Silver Star Poncho 242 336 468
68the priesthood of Hat Xomniuri 300 335 379
69the priesthood of Hat Sidd 301 335 231
70the priesthood of Sandelfon Pythium 301 335 167
71the priesthood of Pishe Stamen 301 335 275
72the priesthood of Fish Xellos 300 335 253
73the priesthood of Sandelfon Sharaelyn 300 333 229
74the priesthood of Sandelfon killiyana 300 333 229
75the priesthood of Pishe Ganel 300 333 306
76the priesthood of Sandelfon Ilde 300 333 239
77the priesthood of Sek Etranger 300 333 166
78the priesthood of Pishe Genesis 340 331 165
79the priesthood of Sandelfon Cantaloupe 300 331 226
80the priesthood of Pishe Poet 300 330 273
81the priesthood of Hat Hannerz 262 330 230
82the priesthood of Gufnork Fevvling 318 330 165
83the priesthood of Pishe Serakyo 308 329 391
84the priesthood of Pishe Ionxp 300 329 302
85the priesthood of Pishe Aengel 300 329 164
86the priesthood of Fish Kyrnin 300 328 323
87the priesthood of Pishe Emma 300 328 226
88the priesthood of Gapp Eagleheart 300 326 221
89the priesthood of Pishe Zeal 300 326 163
90the priesthood of Pishe Handstand 300 326 227
91the priesthood of Pishe Zexium 300 325 353
92the priesthood of Sandelfon Pthag 300 325 162
93the priesthood of Pishe Kevren 300 325 162
94the priesthood of Pishe Unslidge 300 324 162
95the priesthood of Hat Takeyume 300 324 162
96the priesthood of Pishe Pius 260 324 241
97the priesthood of Pishe Corsair 251 324 162
98the priesthood of Gufnork Bambi 306 324 162
99the priesthood of Fish haloj 338 324 272
100the priesthood of Gufnork Ade 300 324 162
101the priesthood of Gapp Narf 308 323 283
102the priesthood of Pishe Djoan 306 323 400
103the priesthood of Fish Polleke 320 322 161
104the priesthood of Pishe Doc 325 322 161
105the priesthood of Sandelfon Iphal 302 321 160
106the priesthood of Sandelfon Warrax 300 320 160
107the priesthood of Hat Thakh 300 320 259
108the priesthood of Gapp Sachalynn 300 320 160
109the priesthood of Pishe Grin 300 320 227
110the priesthood of Pishe Ghostclown 300 320 160
111the priesthood of Sek Solfernus 300 319 159
112the priesthood of Gufnork Varthia 300 319 219
113the priesthood of Pishe Tsuki 300 319 220
114the priesthood of Pishe Kirsty 300 319 159
115the priesthood of Pishe Hurukan 320 319 248
116the priesthood of Fish Herb 310 319 159
117the priesthood of Gapp Filey 301 319 273
118the priesthood of Fish Dagon 300 319 159
119the priesthood of Sek pterminal 300 319 159
120the priesthood of Pishe Sevelille 300 316 258
121the priesthood of Sek Saph 301 316 158
122the priesthood of Pishe Kissaki 318 316 158
123the priesthood of Pishe Latro 270 316 158
124the Assassins' Guild (Raven House) Yalpf 300 315 157
125the priesthood of Pishe Toshinama 300 315 157
126the priesthood of Gufnork Toffeecake 250 315 157
127the priesthood of Pishe Stealth 312 315 238
128the priesthood of Pishe Laule 217 315 229
129the priesthood of Pishe Fulcrum 300 315 251
130the priesthood of Fish Aristootle 300 315 157
131the priesthood of Gufnork Steve 310 315 225
132the priesthood of Pishe Kathiaca 300 314 157
133the priesthood of Fish Dread 300 314 157
134the priesthood of Sek Cthulhu 300 314 157
135the Samurai Anon 332 314 245
136the priesthood of Hat Nerevar 306 313 214
137the priesthood of Gufnork Trip 320 312 156
138the Lancre Highland Regiment Pokey 350 312 156
139Adventurer Westley 450 312 156
140the priesthood of Sandelfon Vedri 300 309 154
141the priesthood of Sandelfon Quick 300 309 228
142the priesthood of Sandelfon Ohubohu 300 309 154
143the priesthood of Pishe Flotino 300 309 210
144the priesthood of Hat Empathy 300 309 154
145the priesthood of Sek Ketman 300 309 154
146the priesthood of Gufnork Tozan 300 307 242
147the priesthood of Pishe Indeed 300 307 228
148the priesthood of Sek Eisschrube 300 307 153
149the priesthood of Hat Craggor 262 307 153
150the priesthood of Pishe Couchman 300 307 226
151the priesthood of Pishe Avicenna 300 307 153
152the priesthood of Pishe Shenandoah 300 307 212
153the priesthood of Gufnork Warpdongle 300 307 305
154the priesthood of Pishe Voudun 300 307 214
155the priesthood of Pishe Vayle 300 307 259
156the priesthood of Fish Avantguard 300 307 208
157the priesthood of Gufnork Shamoly 300 307 266
158the priesthood of Sek Tating 300 307 235
159the priesthood of Gufnork asilor 306 306 238
160the priesthood of Pishe Kupo 303 305 152
161the priesthood of Sek Zuga 301 304 243
162the priesthood of Sek Takhisis 300 304 152
163the priesthood of Gufnork Flexen 313 304 225
164the priesthood of Fish Fin 327 304 152
165the priesthood of Gapp Dragin 302 304 152
166the priesthood of Gufnork Elranda 300 304 152
167the priesthood of Fish Skipper 303 303 151
168the Muggers of the Thieves' Guild Riverphoenix
367 303 205
169the priesthood of Gufnork Kiyo 300 303 151
170the priesthood of Pishe Jeremiah 295 303 151
171the priesthood of Gufnork Dylan 300 303 206
172the priesthood of Sek Oki 300 303 206
173the priesthood of Gufnork Earthwurm 300 303 151
174the priesthood of Sek Thrall 248 301 150
175the Ancient and Truly Original Sages of the Unbroken Circle Diana 220 301 150
176the priesthood of Fish Tixal 301 298 203
177the priesthood of Sandelfon Vai 300 298 149
178the priesthood of Fish Egon 300 298 203
179the priesthood of Gufnork kabo 300 298 285
180the priesthood of Sek Asami 284 298 149
181the priesthood of Sandelfon Xybic 301 297 148
182the priesthood of Sek Seima 303 297 204
183the priesthood of Fish Thteve 300 297 148
184the priesthood of Sek Humboldt 300 297 148
185the priesthood of Fish Lakit 300 296 148
186the Witches' Guild cheeky 281 296 301
187the priesthood of Gufnork Moros 210 294 147
188the priesthood of Sandelfon Zmogus 307 293 247
189the priesthood of Pishe Carasel 230 293 146
190the priesthood of Pishe Clio 317 292 262
191the priesthood of Pishe Emiko 215 291 241
192the priesthood of Pishe Elistan 300 291 239
193the priesthood of Pishe Chandler 301 290 202
194the priesthood of Pishe akva 300 290 201
195the priesthood of Gufnork Gilrad
327 289 144
196the priesthood of Gapp DaZ 283 288 197
197the priesthood of Pishe Alinnia 253 288 144
198the priesthood of Gufnork foz 193 288 144
199the priesthood of Gapp Denai 234 287 143
200the priesthood of Pishe Origin 240 286 143
201the priesthood of Gapp Melindrea 270 286 197
202the priesthood of Hat Spontaneous 244 285 142
203the priesthood of Pishe Pri 214 285 254
204the priesthood of Fish Nethuns 300 285 246
205the priesthood of Pishe Rain 204 284 142
206the priesthood of Hat Jozline 252 284 224
207the priesthood of Sandelfon Quasar 204 283 246
208the priesthood of Pishe Regis 232 282 141
209the priesthood of Pishe Milly 215 282 141
210the priesthood of Pishe Meme 195 282 207
211the priesthood of Hat Shand 300 282 141
212the priesthood of Sek Sektite 240 282 141
213the priesthood of Pishe Herakles 200 281 203
214the priesthood of Pishe Dialapishe 309 280 219
215the Assassins' Guild (Raven House) Andrew 308 280 242
216the priesthood of Gapp Spirit 231 278 139
217the priesthood of Gufnork Belanar 300 278 139
218the priesthood of Gufnork Mack 177 278 139
219the priesthood of Pishe Mikhail 244 277 138
220the priesthood of Sek Smashy 245 277 138
221the priesthood of Fish Sharkira 202 277 138
222the priesthood of Gufnork Souffle 300 276 138
223the priesthood of Fish Oshni 226 276 138
224the priesthood of Pishe Odium 184 276 138
225the priesthood of Fish Horack 300 276 138
226the Assassins' Guild Exote 231 276 138
227Adventurer nemo 175 276 138
228the priesthood of Pishe Kukuri 300 276 192
229the priesthood of Pishe Shhasum 205 275 198
230the priesthood of Hat Serlian 270 275 137
231the priesthood of Pishe Sevikt 169 274 137
232the priesthood of Sandelfon Siddhartha 200 274 137
233the priesthood of Gufnork adria 239 274 221
234the priesthood of Gapp Valis 201 273 193
235the priesthood of Pishe Ryuashin 179 273 199
236the priesthood of Pishe Kosh 206 273 196
237the priesthood of Pishe Chrysania 186 273 136
238the priesthood of Sandelfon Gotrek 230 272 136
239the priesthood of Sek Seksonlegs 195 270 229
240the priesthood of Gufnork Xiphias 200 269 210
241the priesthood of Sandelfon Phagius 200 269 134
242the priesthood of Pishe Jamm 230 269 182
243the priesthood of Pishe Damiate 179 268 255
244the priesthood of Gufnork Rii 201 267 133
245the priesthood of Pishe Yuffie 168 266 225
246the Fools' Guild Ptlepshut 198 266 133
247the priesthood of Fish Iasg 163 266 133
248the priesthood of Pishe Gandalph 202 266 241
249the priesthood of Pishe Fizban 225 266 204
250the priesthood of Hat Anarki 188 266 133
251the priesthood of Fish Ebisu 250 265 132
252the priesthood of Fish Latanza 210 265 190
253the priesthood of Hat How 151 265 132
254the priesthood of Gufnork Haunt 200 265 189
255the priesthood of Sek Tremen 200 264 218
256the priesthood of Fish Otsid 240 264 208
257the priesthood of Gapp Rio 226 263 131
258the priesthood of Pishe dobbin 179 263 193
259the priesthood of Pishe Aisley 180 263 134
260the priesthood of Hat Manny 182 262 131
261the priesthood of Pishe Tella 161 261 130
262the priesthood of Fish Narmio 210 261 130
263the priesthood of Sek Mascarada 186 261 130
264the priesthood of Sandelfon Gerbal 221 261 130
265the priesthood of Pishe Miley 170 259 129
266the priesthood of Gufnork Knphz 207 259 185
267the priesthood of Pishe Plevoir 175 259 192
268the priesthood of Sek Noodles 205 258 129
269the priesthood of Pishe Siilaan 203 256 128
270the priesthood of Hat Macromancer 154 256 128
271the priesthood of Sandelfon Ftang 212 256 213
272the priesthood of Fish Babelmonk 158 256 189
273the priesthood of Pishe Aska 187 256 154
274the priesthood of Pishe Fras 158 256 142
275the priesthood of Pishe lazlo 205 256 208
276the priesthood of Fish Vane 171 255 127
277the priesthood of Hat Anarchy 183 255 127
278the Wizards' Guild Riley 164 254 127
279the priesthood of Pishe Niakeeh 148 254 127
280the priesthood of Gapp Casey 143 254 127
281the priesthood of Sek Nadia 201 254 181
282the priesthood of Gapp Caliban 223 252 126
283the priesthood of Fish Morphic 169 251 225
284the priesthood of Fish Lyria 154 251 125
285the Safecrackers of the Thieves' Guild SamTheMan 248 251 125
286the priesthood of Gufnork Fluff 199 250 125
287the priesthood of Sek Helen 150 249 124
288the priesthood of Pishe Azu 166 249 124
289the Klatchian Foreign Legion Lanfear
300 248 372
290the priesthood of Pishe Caron 152 248 186
291the priesthood of Pishe Persephone 188 247 123
292the priesthood of Gufnork Maraka 204 247 123
293the priesthood of Sek Ilyas 188 247 182
294the priesthood of Fish Archoplytes 190 246 177
295the priesthood of Sek Bane 200 246 177
296the priesthood of Gufnork Eramael 200 246 123
297the priesthood of Gapp GiSt 201 246 123
298the priesthood of Fish Stumble 138 245 122
299the priesthood of Hat Pupazz 181 245 122
300the priesthood of Fish akakia 151 245 122
301the priesthood of Fish Hydra 196 244 122
302the priesthood of Sandelfon Wizini 161 243 121
303the priesthood of Gapp Judith 120 243 121
304the priesthood of Fish Jaime 202 242 121
305the priesthood of Sandelfon Asterion 103 242 121
306the Witches' Guild Kiki 300 242 242
307the priesthood of Pishe Arranha 156 241 120
308the priesthood of Pishe Raina 143 240 120
309the priesthood of Sek Alergia 110 240 120
310the priesthood of Sek Bubachko 178 239 119
311the priesthood of Sandelfon Safeting 171 238 119
312the priesthood of Pishe Zirallan 130 237 118
313the priesthood of Gufnork Jarbosk 110 237 118
314the priesthood of Sandelfon Incompetent 100 237 118
315the priesthood of Pishe Ashes 120 237 118
316the priesthood of Pishe Alba 150 237 118
317the priesthood of Gufnork Throm 171 235 172
318the Lancre Highland Regiment Gnash 300 235 207
319the priesthood of Pishe Buzlaine 106 235 182
320the priesthood of Pishe baralai 117 235 117
321the Assassins' Guild (Black Widow House) llylia 228 234 216
322the Smugglers of the Thieves' Guild Hagbard 155 233 116
323the priesthood of Gapp Not 109 233 116
324the priesthood of Pishe soupy 124 233 116
325the priesthood of Sandelfon Zelias 111 232 116
326the priesthood of Fish Undine 100 232 116
327the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Levo 217 232 116
328the priesthood of Pishe Klay 185 232 116
329the priesthood of Pishe Clenton 111 232 116
330the priesthood of Pishe Kaedlyn 139 231 115
331the priesthood of Pishe Wowbagger 127 230 115
332the priesthood of Gufnork Snowcat 160 230 115
333the Last Order Mohawk 108 230 115
334the priesthood of Gapp Jedi 144 230 115
335the priesthood of Pishe Buttonfly 118 230 115
336the priesthood of Hat Hawk 100 230 179
337the priesthood of Hat Necrom 131 229 114
338the priesthood of Hat Edouard 155 229 114
339the priesthood of Sandelfon Ptektonik 106 229 178
340the priesthood of Hat Raywaen 155 229 114
341the priesthood of Pishe Siriol 135 228 114
342the Ninja Kenshin 153 228 114
343the priesthood of Sandelfon Grunt 157 228 114
344the priesthood of Gufnork Ulinzi 132 227 171
345the priesthood of Pishe Cwn 120 227 113
346the priesthood of Sek Sulvor 151 227 113
347the priesthood of Sek Himbajs 150 227 172
348the priesthood of Pishe ostro 150 227 172
349the priesthood of Pishe Mursi 106 226 113
350the priesthood of Gapp Amalykyr 102 226 113
351the priesthood of Sek Senexis 151 225 167
352the priesthood of Sandelfon Praise 116 225 112
353the priesthood of Pishe Lliiros 122 225 175
354the priesthood of Gapp Aeb 166 224 112
355the Weapon Masters' Court Holi 157 223 111
356the priesthood of Sandelfon DvL 125 223 168
357the priesthood of Pishe ReptileII 101 222 111
358the Black Wizards Nemesis 111 222 111
359 Mitsukai 105 222 111
360the Ancient and Truly Original Brothers of the Silver Star kari 112 221 265
361the priesthood of Pishe Epoc 151 220 110
362the priesthood of Pishe Deluge 93 220 110
363the Weapon Masters' Court Cave 236 220 110
364the priesthood of Pishe Fiachra
101 219 109
365the priesthood of Pishe Yoshio 103 219 109
366the priesthood of Pishe Isla 100 219 109
367the priesthood of Pishe Vaston 132 218 135
368the Hashishim MacGuffin 218 218 218
369the priesthood of Pishe Imvula 102 218 219
370the priesthood of Sek Ghub 69 217 172
371the priesthood of Sandelfon Frey 145 217 108
372the Witches' Guild Almarna 100 217 225
373the priesthood of Pishe Brutal 160 216 108
374the priesthood of Pishe Tylor 128 215 107
375the priesthood of Pishe Flimo 87 214 107
376the priesthood of Gufnork Magmaniemus 88 212 106
377the priesthood of Hat Saori 104 212 106
378the Fools' Guild Maleficent 100 211 105
379the priesthood of Pishe firefox 105 211 105
380the priesthood of Pishe Sinlaw 110 211 162
381the priesthood of Sek Verethangra 150 211 105
382the Assassins' Guild (Cobra House) Alfa 153 211 105
383the priesthood of Hat Imaginary 85 210 105
384the priesthood of Sek Sinner 103 210 105
385the priesthood of Fish Jayem 125 210 105
386the priesthood of Pishe Durathor 116 209 163
387the priesthood of Pishe Klawdees 107 208 104
388the priesthood of Gufnork Vranick 115 208 104
389the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Nuala 158 208 206
390the priesthood of Gufnork Razuuk 100 207 103
391the priesthood of Fish Nicola 112 207 103
392the Sages of the Unknown Shadow calosal 120 206 211
393the Assassins' Guild (Scorpion House) Calcium 124 206 103
394the priesthood of Pishe Medic 106 205 102
395the priesthood of Sek Aurumia 77 205 102
396the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Bonobo 150 204 189
397the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Damaar 162 204 102
398the priesthood of Gufnork Korel 104 203 160
399the priesthood of Sandelfon kartoffel 105 203 160
400the priesthood of Pishe Mammon 73 203 101
401the priesthood of Hat Kiri 100 203 101
402the priesthood of Gapp Pingo 102 202 101
403the priesthood of Fish Beta 102 202 101
404the priesthood of Pishe Seahawk 102 202 160
405the priesthood of Gufnork Aahz 100 201 100
406the priesthood of Gapp Poltes 100 201 100
407the Hublandish Barbarians Odin 100 201 100
408the priesthood of Fish Obed 100 201 100
409the Assassins' Guild (Cobra House) Bybal 143 200 155
410the priesthood of Pishe kimmest 76 199 99
411the priesthood of Gapp Dominatrix 70 198 99
412the priesthood of Pishe Kirye 51 198 99
413the Wizards' Guild Emsenn 79 197 124
414the Lancre Highland Regiment Gro 192 197 98
415the priesthood of Gufnork Ragetwo 75 195 97
416the priesthood of Hat Slurms 55 193 96
417the priesthood of Hat Kizz 86 193 96
418the priesthood of Gufnork Guffy 59 192 155
419the priesthood of Sek Shashebel 56 189 94
420the Ninja Kikio 104 187 148
421the priesthood of Fish Thalas 100 186 93
422the priesthood of Pishe Serra 70 185 92
423the priesthood of Hat Malpent 70 185 92
424the Witches' Guild Kate 100 185 232
425the Sages of the Unknown Shadow Arcane 60 185 92
426the priesthood of Sek Mori 70 185 92
427the priesthood of Gufnork Sleepwalker 104 184 92
428Adventurer Eboin 118 184 145
429the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Remy 126 184 143
430the Assassins' Guild Grimace 79 184 148
431the Weapon Masters' Court Rauna 163 184 92
432the priesthood of Fish Watery 79 183 91
433the Mano Rossa Monette 66 183 91
434the priesthood of Pishe cure 102 183 91
435the priesthood of Pishe Receipts 65 182 91
436the priesthood of Pishe Hekubah 53 182 91
437the priesthood of Hat Ragnoth 62 181 90
438the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Kalu 74 180 145
439the Djelian Guard Skippy 91 180 90
440the Weapon Masters' Court Wallsy 139 179 140
441the priesthood of Gufnork Sidious 53 179 89
442the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Arabella 73 179 89
443the Ninja Kunoichi 52 179 89
444the Muggers of the Thieves' Guild Myndes 101 178 141
445the Ancient and Truly Original Brothers of the Silver Star Ecthelion 50 178 174
446the priesthood of Gufnork Arethusa 51 178 89
447the priesthood of Gufnork snotgurgle 44 178 89
448the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Slitwristz 106 178 140
449the Prowlers of the Thieves' Guild Dyveshinftra 100 178 141
450the Lancre Highland Regiment Chand 104 177 88
451the priesthood of Pishe Ceisc 49 177 88
452the Smugglers of the Thieves' Guild Garreth 88 175 140
453the Blue Wizards Taint 44 174 148
454the Ninja samesatsu 98 174 138
455the Mano Rossa Alkifrolic 105 174 87
456the Wizards' Guild Waggoner 50 174 186
457the Witches' Guild Gunnlag 50 174 87
458the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Grant 111 174 137
459the priesthood of Gapp Joachim 47 173 86
460the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Jiang 61 173 144
461the priesthood of Pishe Yuta 54 173 86
462the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Liplock 61 173 86
463the Ancient and Truly Original Sages of the Unbroken Circle Talison 55 172 86
464the priesthood of Pishe iono 75 172 86
465the Witches' Guild Chat 75 172 86
466the Cutpurses of the Thieves' Guild Pedro 88 172 138
467the Ninja Kanashimi 87 171 138
468the priesthood of Pishe Dreamweaver 45 171 85
469the Weapon Masters' Court Theron 144 171 131
470the Ankh-Morpork Palace Guard Turtlespawn 141 170 135