The priesthood of Sek


Sek is a God who knows what He wants and His seven hands are ideal for getting ahold ofit. His followers usually share His drive for self-gratification and tend to enjoy doingwhatever is necessary to take what they desire from someone else. Imbued with a naturalsense of cruelty, Sek's worshippers frequently inflict misery upon others as a preferredmethod of showing their commitment to Him.

The primary commandment of Sek is: Increase My glory by taking power for thyself fromthose who are less deserving of it, for the more power thou bringest unto Me, the morepower I shall bestow unto thee, and thou shalt remain forever My most prized of servants.

Guild members (182)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Iblis 700 957,693
2 cinnamon 541 0
3 BeastEater 393 708,448
4 Tating 393 255,795
5 Zuga 361 0
6 Mishal 343 0
7 Oki 337 501,976
8 Taliesin 330 561,844
9 Saph 330 0
10 Seima 326 0
11 Takhisis 324 105,147
12 Etranger 324 27,094
13 Sulic 314 0
14 Cthulhu 314 0
15 Ketman 306 0
16 Virtue 304 0
17 EisSchrube 304 0
18 Cruellus 300 0
19 Lekh 300 26,633
20 Jems 288 57,329
21 Humboldt 284 50,743
22 Thrall 273 37,797
23 Pterminal 272 46,272
24 SeksOnLegs 269 0
25 Bane 262 41,433
26 Ilyas 258 40,047
27 Noodles 257 0
28 Solfernus 254 13,865
29 Smashy 234 13,864
30 Sektite 225 666
31 Senexis 218 33,747
32 Asami 213 0
33 Nadia 211 20,624
34 Mascarada 190 0
35 Himbajs 171 18,107
36 Tremen 168 0
37 Lilybeth 159 0
38 Ghub 158 0
39 Bubachko 150 0
40 Sulvor 150 11,047
41 KazMir 148 0
42 Verethangra 136 0
43 Alergia 134 0
44 Sinner 133 0
45 Helen 117 0
46 Mori 82 0
47 ShasheBel 76 0
48 Grinnily 66 10,064
49 Kes 62 0
50 Ivory 1 0
51 Adik 1 0
52 Nedsram 1 0
53 Beltora 1 0
54 Harth 0 0
55 Kalama 0 0
56 Doom 0 0
57 Friar 0 0
58 Sektus 0 0
59 Lothim 0 0
60 MachiSek 0 0
61 Trow 0 0
62 Abigor 0 0
63 Snorky 0 0
64 Sampson 0 0
65 Vreni 0 0
66 Pox 0 0
67 Succubus 0 0
68 Kiirby 0 0
69 Aine 0 0
70 Limmer 0 0
71 Ugglee 0 0
72 Sooshio 0 0
73 Tarsiss 0 0
74 Uber 0 0
75 Exarf 0 0
76 Sorry 0 0
77 Ruisan 0 0
78 Solveig 0 0
79 Abaddon 0 0
80 Tela 0 0
81 Entity 0 0
82 Eclair 0 0
83 MacBeth 0 0
84 Benjamin 0 0
85 Baltazar 0 0
86 Lilit 0 0
87 Knowshoes 0 0
88 Redhat 0 0
89 Cin 0 0
90 Antinua 0 0
91 Alktyre 0 0
92 Maltheus 0 0
93 Bounci 0 0
94 Gordia 0 0
95 Olive 0 0
96 Pale 0 0
97 Wither 0 0
98 Foster 0 0
99 Zedian 0 0
100 Mormo 0 0
101 Addo 0 0
102 Uesugi 0 0
103 Archaon 0 0
104 Miandar 0 0
105 Brin 0 0
106 Malvada 0 0
107 Holyone 0 0
108 Asmodai 0 0
109 Cli 0 0
110 Malice 0 0
111 Hannibal 0 0
112 Killamanjaro 0 0
113 Thanos 0 0
114 Elixa 0 0
115 Qui 0 0
116 Vill 0 0
117 Jahras 0 0
118 Trqs 0 0
119 Humbe 0 0
120 Loby 0 0
121 Clariel 0 0
122 Nauk 0 0
123 Vaelsins 0 0
124 Creeper 0 0
125 vaelsyns 0 0
126 GuiseppiO 0 0
127 kadathtest 0 0
128 Bessus 0 0
129 Krieg 0 0
130 Syfierius 0 0
131 Robertsson 0 0
132 Heartless 0
133 Kaelynn 0
134 Faust 0
135 Aurumia 0
136 Rachel 0
137 Iznogoud 0
138 Talic 0
139 Sirene 0
140 Methane 0
141 Phanuel 0
142 Stoned 0
143 Mandilip 0
144 Rune 0
145 Epthin 0
146 Bagshade 0
147 Caliah 0
148 Tansol 0
149 Ilsa 0
150 Fleur 0
151 Bedivere 0
152 Voimuri 0
153 Gaiztoa 0
154 Sessine 0
155 Dyryn 0
156 Malkus 0
157 Welles 0
158 Zilvandria 0
159 Writhe 0
160 Noxes 0
161 Krogan 0
162 Morgoth 0
163 Rehyd 0
164 HUNni 0
165 Stax 0
166 Offensive 0
167 Ankhentok 0
168 Coatlicue 0
169 Thirkoth 0
170 Myshella 0
171 Sooshioo 0
172 Claw 0
173 Cinder 0
174 MarCus 0
175 Ferrach 0
176 Vulkan 0
177 Boomshaka 0
178 Bennu 0
179 Vidro 0
180 Crushakek 0
181 SeptaDextrus 0
182 Static 0