The priesthood of Sandelfon


As the God of Corridors, Sandelfon and His followers are most at home in the largebuildings where the powerful gather to orchestrate the lives of others. Dedicated to thecareful balancing of things (often in their own favour), they frequently engage incomplicated political manoeuvres to achieve their view of acceptable balance. Sandelfonis often worshipped by politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats, and administrators, whethertheir intentions be selfless or not.

Sandelfon's primary commandment is: If, in the greater or lesser scheme of things, thou orsomeone else doth see, or hear of, or think of a way in which a government, restaurant,organisation, or other undefined entity might be better managed and organized, thou, andwhoever else is a worshipper unto Me, shall do their best to seek to improve the aforesaidgovernment, restaurant, organisation, or other undefined entity, or petition to seek toimprove the aforementioned if direct improvement is not possible or practical, and thenthou shalt be among the most beloved of My children, unless sufficient other parties havecompleted such a task in a superior manner.

Guild members (77)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Charon 467 242,766
2 Adyton 456 0
3 Warrax 401 0
4 JustAnAlt 385 0
5 Asaram 383 0
6 Dvalinn 356 2,358,001
7 Ilde
342 761,608
8 Vai 337 90,893
9 Ezate 336 43,127
10 OhuBohu 333 0
11 Iphal 328 0
12 Xybic 327 0
13 Cantaloupe 325 0
14 Pythium 321 0
15 Zmogus 321 0
16 Tony 319 0
17 Killiyana 318 0
18 Quick 310 0
19 Vedri 304 42,990
20 Siddhartha 268 190,000
21 PTHAG 265 0
22 Gerbal 260 0
23 Ptektonik 234 30,819
24 Ftang 223 0
25 Gotrek 217 0
26 Wizini 213 0
27 Phagius 212 0
28 Grunt 207 0
29 SafeTing 204 0
30 Quasar 201 0
31 DvL 199 27,669
32 Zelias 167 0
33 Frey 152 0
34 Praise 136 0
35 Asterion 129 0
36 Kartoffel 116 48,930
37 Incompetent 101 0
38 Liala 1 0
39 Drallin 0 0
40 Notra 0 0
41 Goldfield 0 0
42 Andron 0 0
43 Wathl 0 0
44 Jareth 0 0
45 Biriani 0 0
46 Thoril 0 0
47 Sigh 0 0
48 Otohime 0 0
49 Adrisa 0 0
50 Ohm 0 0
51 Sancti 0 0
52 Zal 0 0
53 MorosA 0 0
54 Lyraine 0 0
55 Neaulerie 0 0
56 Fae 0 0
57 MachiSandie 0 0
58 Sandal 0 0
59 Laconic 0 0
60 Atalanta 0 0
61 Ava 0 0
62 Fenrir 0 0
63 Gamege 0 0
64 Letitia 0 0
65 Ravn 0
66 Roddy 0
67 Ikelos 0
68 Villareal 0
69 Foralen 0
70 NotChim 0
71 Candi 0
72 Pebkac 0
73 iTaxi 0
74 Pyramid 0
75 Alric 0
76 Sharaelyn 0
77 Winba 0