The White Wizards


Hedge Wizardry is older than the University. In fact, the first Wizards were Hedge Wizards, fiercely independent, wandering the countryside and the world in their questfor power. Since the founding of UU, Hedge Wizardry has become much less popular, asit doesn't offer the same comfortable beds, large meals, or a roof over one's head. However, some find the atmosphere of the University stifling, or the politics distasteful, or simply want to see the world. Hedge Wizards have the same divisionsas the Orders of UU.

Guild members (67)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Stonik 543 238,321
2 Fyre 426 0
3 Opal 408 0
4 Force 380 171,076
5 Megid 366 140,473
6 Elemos 357 0
7 Blodeuyn 346 59,329
8 Nakula 342 0
9 Tyro 320 0
10 Flintor 311 0
11 Gwest 296 41,436
12 Nivek 283 40,236
13 Nuke 282 0
14 Faux 267 0
15 Vonha 243 0
16 Warfal 227 0
17 Meintile 223 0
18 Sargon 221 31,490
19 Perrin 216 0
20 Aderzhul 202 0
21 Orpheo 184 0
22 Aela
175 0
23 Urza 157 0
24 Tonis 147 0
25 Bugdt 130 0
26 Akua 128 0
27 Blaze 120 0
28 Kadoshi 114 0
29 Raichel 104 0
30 Rhath 1 0
31 Wavemaster 0 0
32 Whitebeard 0 0
33 Zorelian 0 0
34 Rosalind 0 0
35 Uliit 0 0
36 Silos 0 0
37 Ward 0 0
38 Ignacia 0 0
39 Kevrik 0 0
40 Rumses 0 0
41 Eyore 0 0
42 Angael 0 0
43 Arrien 0 0
44 Tarrant 0 0
45 Analisa 0 0
46 Azdorai 0 0
47 portals 0 0
48 Paul 0 0
49 Dominick 0 0
50 Jadis 0 0
51 Quie 0 0
52 Kedilissi 0 0
53 Whitecap 0 0
54 Tziek 0 0
55 rarr 0
56 Throckmorton 0
57 snoH 0
58 Mahdi 0
59 ReiZak 0
60 Snog 0
61 Mimble 0
62 Sampe 0
63 Fair 0
64 Hilarion 0
65 Vengence 0
66 Eldritch 0
67 FeelishaMay 0