The Sages of the Unknown Shadow


'Demonology' is generally a nasty word around the UU, and wizards in general. On onehand, the demonologist can have awesome power and his wishes fulfilled, on the otherhe's likely to end up being devoured by some tentacled thing, or burning forever in apit of agony. This wouldn't be too bad, except they sometimes bring it on those standing too close, as well.

Guild members (70)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Calosal 510 0
2 Saaur 501 0
3 Arcane 458 0
4 Sekiri 457 0
5 Horror 445 259,951
6 Marya
441 858,807
7 Ranma 440 0
8 Mancow 432 0
9 Falkentyne 430 0
10 Neinittz 372 370,871
11 Remache 342 106,122
12 Flagg 322 0
13 Snoyl 316 0
14 Liard 313 0
15 Hedge 311 0
16 Ephex 310 131,409
17 Mephala 309 0
18 Peach 304 44,927
19 Sylph 259 0
20 Batlin 258 0
21 Balzaar 255 0
22 Strat 253 0
23 Ayman 203 19,252
24 Riox 169 22,335
25 Thazagoth 136 10,746
26 Erebus
110 11,162
27 Nyarlathotep 86 0
28 Mith 74 0
29 Larissa 69 0
30 Javabean 1 0
31 Urtic 1 0
32 Zenedra 0 0
33 Krylin 0 0
34 Diomedes 0 0
35 Xisoned 0 0
36 Venom 0 0
37 Spock 0 0
38 Otzi 0 0
39 Please 0 0
40 Empusa 0 0
41 Kaden 0 0
42 Solion
0 0
43 Barebones 0 0
44 Xyl 0 0
45 Alberiex 0 0
46 Bertrand 0 0
47 Wrasse 0 0
48 Nagash 0 0
49 Trampus 0 0
50 Samson 0 0
51 Tetsuo 0 0
52 Legion 0 0
53 Aelion 0 0
54 Kilvin 0 0
55 Vierge 0 0
56 Souls 0
57 Mayian 0
58 Marajin 0
59 Amalthea 0
60 Woza 0
61 Gothzor 0
62 Seidrmadr 0
63 Torx 0
64 Drusilla 0
65 Caellyn 0
66 Yokai 0
67 Myrdock 0
68 Aiyan 0
69 Vygotsk 0
70 Davous 0