The Imperial Guard


To protect the interests and the citizens of the Agatean Empire's only Sea Port, the Sun Emperor created a legion of crack warriors known as the Imperial Guard. These skilled, fierce and determined troops patrol the walled city of Bes Pelargic ready to stomp on the fingers of the terminally inquisitive and to reinforce the belief that to be a citizen in the Agatean Empire is to be the most fortunate of mortals.

The impressive training facilities and headquarters of the Imperial Guard are located inside the grand entrance hall of the Imperial Palace. This shining example of the graceful style and incredible wealth of the Empire is located on the east side of Bes Pelargic, at the northeast end of, fittingly, Palace Approach.

Guild members (36)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Rondros 457 0
2 Talge 360 0
3 Telira 356 0
4 Laipen 294 49,408
5 Drun 269 0
6 Eben 265 0
7 Kireek 264 0
8 Mavado 260 0
9 Ctrl 170 0
10 allcaps 136 21,653
11 OnePlusSeven 135 15,902
12 Flippant 123 11,588
13 QianLing 118 0
14 Kelinimo 112 0
15 Gabranth 57 0
16 Actually 34 10,000
17 Dreez 30 0
18 Xin 1 0
19 Wolfe 1 0
20 Hai 0 0
21 Rampage 0 0
22 Naywi 0 0
23 Slushii 0 0
24 Vanderhar 0
25 Kanade 0
26 Brawn 0
27 LosT 0
28 Ruthanasia 0
29 Sumeshi 0
30 Gift 0
31 Huan 0
32 Esay 0
33 Kountry 0
34 Barkhausen 0
35 EventestImp 0
36 Toffee 0