The Hashishim


The Hashishim, based in Klatch, are the first known group to practise assassination as a profession. They derive their name from the vast quantities of hasheesh they consume and are unique among vicious killers in being both deadly and at the same time, inclined to giggle, groove to interesting patterns of light and shade on theirterrible knife blades and, in extreme cases, fall over.

Their headquarters are found in the cliffs west of Djelibeybi.

Guild members (79)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Delusion 459 357,256
2 Anisha 350 66,989
3 Ivero 341 117,833
4 Eibon 319 138,025
5 MacGuffin 315 470,784
6 Vermillion 282 0
7 Kafir 280 47,508
8 Bleyddyn 278 0
9 Eclipse 266 0
10 SCB 265 0
11 nnY 257 0
12 Kesira 247 0
13 Chosig 223 46,343
14 BunBun 193 0
15 Wushu 182 0
16 Eachann 178 0
17 Peckering 174 0
18 Testy 160 0
19 Ammon 160 24,346
20 Kimyai 157 0
21 Ibn 154 0
22 Ren 150 35,216
23 Yuphie 147 0
24 Haassasin 144 0
25 Tealeaf 142 0
26 Edat 121 11,312
27 Nihar 111 0
28 Mundir 105 11,139
29 Muerte 92 0
30 Sinshi 78 10,418
31 nou 70 0
32 Bimblecrisp 9 4,576
33 Zina 1 0
34 DijayaKhalid 1 0
35 Julnar
0 0
36 Lophius 0 0
37 Django 0 0
38 Orchid 0 0
39 Ghanimah 0 0
40 Citizen 0 0
41 Rompus 0 0
42 Gamlek 0 0
43 Velknor 0 0
44 Khajja 0 0
45 Wodger 0 0
46 Taggy 0 0
47 Dibh 0 6,840
48 Fantastic 0 0
49 Ptonya 0 0
50 Kaare 0 0
51 Rodgerramjet 0 0
52 Kalil 0 0
53 Lysek 0 0
54 Flamore 0 0
55 Starr 0 0
56 Vaeth 0 0
57 Looner 0 0
58 Sakon 0 0
59 Ptas 0 0
60 fidai 0 0
61 Tueur 0 0
62 Sheer 0 0
63 Limm 0 0
64 yphE 0 0
65 VviciousvV 0 0
66 Bitsfiddla 0 0
67 Tevi 0 0
68 Shahryar 0 0
69 Delilah 0
70 Akeelah 0
71 Awadhi 0
72 Ptari 0
73 Suan 0
74 Hadsov 0
75 Lethal 0
76 Operation 0
77 Stilgar 0
78 Brillig 0
79 Khalin 0