The Duchess Saturday's Musketeers


The chivalrous men and women of the Duchess Saturday's Musketeers are honour bound to uphold the good name of the Diamond City of Genua, and of its ruler, the Duchess Ella Saturday. Much skilled at the arts of duelling and swordsmanship, they dress and talk rather flamboyantly, their colourfully outlandish attire easily distinguishing them from the more soberly dressed city guards and soldiery.

Their guildhouse may be found in Dauphin Street, at the very heart of Genua, where they might perhaps serve their Duchess best.

Guild members (56)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 GRiME 530 732,143
2 Yvain 422 0
3 Mirielle 379 104,809
4 Gen 362 0
5 Dartonion 339 0
6 Blaise 300 28,047
7 Samouille 297 17,459
8 Gaetania 266 0
9 Usd 253 0
10 Lucia 213 0
11 Vespa 180 0
12 Pode 176 0
13 Snot 174 14,738
14 Kem 172 0
15 Fancypants 156 0
16 Chocolat 151 0
17 Stefan 126 11,061
18 Nicomo 61 10,528
19 Calous 0 0
20 Ramie 0 0
21 Lazare 0 0
22 Ellanie 0 0
23 Kelsier 0 0
24 Sofia 0 0
25 Oenophrenia 0 0
26 Sleepy 0 0
27 Khirsylle 0 0
28 Melancholia 0 0
29 Yossarianna 0 0
30 Alfons 0 0
31 Balen 0 0
32 Titus 0 0
33 Apollos 0 0
34 GreatApe 0 0
35 Monday 0 0
36 Xehh 0 0
37 Draconius 0 0
38 Eureka 0 0
39 AnnaKristina 0 0
40 Tantor 0 0
41 Erenion 0 0
42 Deepdish 0 0
43 Shana 0 0
44 Kitty 0 0
45 Orlok 0
46 Zinro 0
47 Girthquake 0
48 Gnial 0
49 Katakuri 0
50 Tankotee
51 Ursabella 0
52 Sinn 0
53 Urgathoa 0
54 Adame 0
55 MustCat 0
56 Hops 0