The Djelian Guard


Although the Djelian Guard is much reduced in size since the glorious days of imperialism in centuries long past, a sizeable remnant is still housed in Djelibeybi. These loyal soldiers have all sworn their allegiance to Djelibeybi, even if there isn't much need to defend its borders anymore.

The headquarters of the Djelian Guard are located in Djelibeybi, the premiere city of the desert continent Klatch.

Guild members (24)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Akera 482 482,673
2 Skippy 393 184,181
3 ChiefTain 328 0
4 Ptodium
274 365,926
5 Armourking 203 0
6 Ocilia 187 0
7 Misplaced 172 25,941
8 OtDotHe 158 0
9 Arundel 103 0
10 Goose 77 0
11 Antiloquax 0 0
12 Werkleft 0 0
13 Bluto 0 0
14 Corolander 0 0
15 Kedok 0 0
16 Kordan 0 0
17 Stern 0
18 Hapra 0
19 Arkord 0
20 Huxley 0
21 Ptimmy 0
22 Slider 0
23 EventestDJB 0
24 Auric 0