The Assassins' Guild (Raven House)


The Guild of Assassins' offers one of the best educations in the world. Graduates should be at home in any company and be able to play at least one one musical instrument (poisoned darts fit into wind instruments surprisingly well). The Assassins' Guild kills for one reason, and one reason only -- money. Hence their motto: NIL MORTIFI SINE LUCRE ("No death without payment").

Guild members (47)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Iohannes 325 0
2 Zain 320 59,314
3 Maelin 308 0
4 Yun 292 0
5 Andrew 278 0
6 Raffles 252 35,160
7 Slither 244 0
8 Smike 243 0
9 Thiewin 231 0
10 Eniad 226 0
11 Vivid 177 13,173
12 Deckard 162 14,905
13 Teodor 127 0
14 Prospera 72 0
15 Yalpf 34 0
16 Neo 1 0
17 Wrzawa 1 0
18 Gamble 0 0
19 Frezzelak 0 0
20 Jaqqo 0 0
21 Laethos 0 0
22 Poe 0 0
23 Poppins 0 0
24 Derision 0 0
25 AnimalTamer 0 0
26 Lews 0 0
27 Arietis 0 0
28 mison 0 0
29 Brink 0 0
30 Grimslim 0 0
31 Wrench 0 0
32 Klahim 0 0
33 Solace 0 0
34 Krolm 0 0
35 Highmore 0
36 Aldwin 0
37 Asazi 0
38 Vuleive 0
39 Exip 0
40 Skeletor 0
41 Jaldar 0
42 Suddenly 0
43 XLII 0
44 Talia 0
45 Striker 0
46 Corneille 0
47 Armac