The Ancient and Truly Original Sages of the Unbroken Circle


The Ancient and Truly Original Sages of the Unbroken Circle specialize in elemental magic, having the skills to summon the power of the elements to do their bidding. Fire, Water, Earth and Air are the tools of the Circle, and they use them to their fullest advantage.

Guild members (242)

LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating
1 Quow 763 5,016,184
2 Havox 530 666,863
3 Saiya 506 381,524
4 Yosh 494 526,449
5 Pterrific 489 1,831,789
6 Herk 452 524,684
7 Mischief 450 0
8 Braindeed 435 0
9 Virith 412 0
10 Majir 411 0
11 Jaenelle 392 0
12 Winswand 389 339,629
13 Maeko 387 0
14 Emilius 379 0
15 Lucifer 375 78,803
16 CAPRiCORN 375 0
17 Talison 372 0
18 Calais 371 276,353
19 Morinehtar 371 185,713
20 Grendel 367 0
21 Soulreaver 357 0
22 Narcs 353 346,948
23 Zidane 352 117,891
24 Sparkles 347 77,527
25 Utous 347 34,292
26 Copernicus 342 0
27 Zandramas 340 0
28 Vaife 339 0
29 Izzy 339 148,477
30 TheJinx 338 0
31 Kairnath 333 314,905
32 Elanor 333 0
33 Eliza 332 243,859
34 Zapphire 332 0
35 Aldo 326 0
36 Barto 323 55,496
37 Seig 323 0
38 Thimal 321 0
39 Plankton 321 0
40 Kuthely 321 0
41 Elfindrol 319 0
42 Magical 316 51,295
43 Gaelen 315 0
44 Azru 315 0
45 Wiz 314 0
46 Gwilliam 313 57,719
47 Caminus 307 49,703
48 Aiur 306 0
49 Eleni 305 0
50 Jinxed 304 296,121
51 Triq 302 0
52 Davinity 300 0
53 Hethalump 288 0
54 Proziac 288 68,529
55 Flirting 285 24,602
56 Truskan 284 0
57 Deqlin 284 67,392
58 Zeta 276 0
59 Loady 273 70,997
60 Beska 273 0
61 Sheitan 267 29,836
62 atreuS 266 0
63 Muad 262 55,426
64 Kenn 260 0
65 Confucius 256 32,600
66 Diharack 255 0
67 Cilandros 252 0
68 Boosh 250 0
69 Lachlan 247 0
70 Triss 242 0
71 Elric 242 218,010
72 Evers 239 68,265
73 Wynning 239 19,107
74 ElMenTl 239 0
75 Morsple 230 25,163
76 Grandalf 230 45,366
77 MaRina 230 0
78 Epak 227 70,606
79 Byll 226 0
80 Ione 225 29,790
81 BugMan 225 0
82 Issaru 224 13,005
83 Drogon 218 0
84 Jippen 217 37,577
85 Atom 215 19,804
86 Coish 215 0
87 Shinty 214 0
88 Multiple 209 0
89 Cregan 209 34,452
90 Milamber 208 18,628
91 Kastia 207 0
92 Dantalion 206 0
93 Groken 205 0
94 Sadukar 202 0
95 Estoril 201 17,279
96 Lidia 196 0
97 TaidO 192 0
98 Mazakala 192 0
99 Bantok 192 0
100 Sayukri 189 0
101 Shbai 185 0
102 Claudio 181 0
103 Shinigami 180 0
104 Naii 178 0
105 Playge 177 0
106 Apostrophe 173 0
107 Laos 170 14,858
108 Inruth 170 0
109 TGGM 167 0
110 Flailure 153 35,202
111 Osote 144 13,712
112 JCDenton 144 0
113 Eirian 137 0
114 Andra 135 0
115 Drake 134 10,299
116 Tonk 133 22,812
117 Edilaic 128 0
118 Skuk 121 0
119 Tyb 121 0
120 Fearless 116 0
121 Sosij 108 10,188
122 Skilled 105 0
123 Nino 96 10,679
124 Rthor 96 0
125 Sheemay 83 0
126 Koss 82 0
127 Antosha 80 0
128 Baragul 75 10,951
129 Ferridge 53 10,967
130 Diana 17 0
131 magik 1 0
132 Chico 1 0
133 Wwwyzzerdd 1 0
134 Oberon 1 0
135 Leofire
0 0
136 Exterminatus 0 0
137 Ghog 0 0
138 Muggle 0 0
139 Hayley 0 0
140 Zeur 0 0
141 Rhonin 0 0
142 ReK 0 0
143 Aeteirlinaen 0 0
144 Hades 0 0
145 Semidec 0 0
146 Bones 0 0
147 Tiernay 0 0
148 Verviticus 0 0
149 Archimedes 0 0
150 Dipp 0 0
151 Konradi 0 0
152 Momoyo 0 0
153 Gheto 0 0
154 Orenia 0 0
155 Thoughts 0 0
156 Vaiyl 0 0
157 Kazander 0 0
158 Nahv 0 0
159 Vajin 0 0
160 Jerah 0 0
161 Baalzamon 0 0
162 Starwiz 0 0
163 Wif 0 0
164 Olisimar 0 0
165 Pollier 0 0
166 Marv 0 0
167 Klayen 0 0
168 Glint 0 0
169 Bonkers 0 0
170 Dinsdale 0 0
171 hydr 0 0
172 Sunday 0 0
173 Narvi 0 0
174 Gamebrel 0 0
175 Peeg 0 0
176 Meritus 0 0
177 RitzBitz 0 0
178 Loland 0 0
179 Tialt 0 0
180 Arcturus 0 0
181 Higgs 0 0
182 Foxnear 0 0
183 Armand 0 0
184 Merlin 0 0
185 Gznang 0 0
186 Sorval 0 0
187 Zph 0 0
188 Bobo 0 0
189 Nirilil 0 0
190 Nodrog 0 0
191 Ashteral 0 0
192 Meatbag 0 0
193 Caelum 0 0
194 Zebulon 0 0
195 SweetLeif 0 0
196 Seth 0 0
197 Smiley 0 0
198 Adwayde 0 0
199 Yuri 0 0
200 Azazel 0 0
201 Aleris 0 0
202 Kaeln 0 0
203 Jonti 0 0
204 Chris 0 0
205 Theresa 0 0
206 FeanorTest 0 0
207 Nash 0 0
208 Zordrak 0 0
209 Sintrale 0 0
210 Zifnab 0 0
211 Hobbit 0 0
212 Sorbet 0
213 Raefnal 0
214 Iliri 0
215 ManTis 0
216 Lyra 0
217 Bipolar 0
218 Flagmaticus 0
219 Zoomer 0
220 Boba 0
221 Rogier 0
222 Blast 0
223 Frood 0
224 Rilus 0
225 Delice 0
226 Jib 0
227 FeliciaMay 0
228 Laing 0
229 Opine 0
230 Genki 0
231 Peyre 0
232 Talmier 0
233 Ashcroft 0
234 Gidget 0
235 Trickster 0
236 Gustavo 0
237 Ruakh 0
238 Trial 0
239 Eiden 0
240 Zuveus 0
241 Bex 0
242 Popty 0