The Priests' Guild is centred, if it can be said to have a centre, in the temple quarter in Ankh-Morpork. Each god, however, has its own temple with the more popular gods having temples and shrines in many towns and villages.

There are currently 1116 Priests on the Discworld MUD.

Priests have the following specialisations:
The priesthood of Fish primaries
Faith: 14
The priesthood of Fish 157
The priesthood of Gapp primaries
Faith: 14
The priesthood of Gapp 66
The priesthood of Gufnork primaries
Faith: 14
The priesthood of Gufnork 160
The priesthood of Hat primaries
Faith: 14
The priesthood of Hat 105
The priesthood of Pishe primaries
Faith: 14
The priesthood of Pishe 369
The priesthood of Sandelfon primaries
Faith: 14
The priesthood of Sandelfon 77
The priesthood of Sek primaries
Faith: 14
The priesthood of Sek 182
Favorite melee
striking   104
dagger   90
sword   73
mace   51
polearm   46
heavy-sword   45
flail   12
misc   9
axe   9

Favorite defence
parrying   222
dodging   190
blocking   27
Favorite combo
dagger / dodging   68
striking / dodging   56
striking / parrying   43
sword / parrying   40
polearm / parrying   35
heavy-sword / parrying   34
mace / parrying   33
sword / dodging   28
dagger / parrying   22
mace / dodging   14
heavy-sword / dodging   7
axe / parrying   6
polearm / dodging   6
flail / dodging   5
polearm / blocking   5
flail / parrying   5
sword / blocking   5
misc / dodging   5
striking / blocking   5
misc / parrying   4
mace / blocking   4
heavy-sword / blocking   4
axe / blocking   2
flail / blocking   2
axe / dodging   1
Guild members
LAST ONLINE now 1mo 6mo
Member GL Rating Specialisation
1 Juppie 811 5,827,034 the priesthood of Gapp
2 PhantomRacer 701 2,063,925 the priesthood of Gufnork
3 Iblis 700 957,693 the priesthood of Sek
4 Inige 600 1,466,704 the priesthood of Fish
5 Yukk 580 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
6 Mauve
544 1,472,483 the priesthood of Hat
7 cinnamon 541 0 the priesthood of Sek
8 FraLipoLipi 537 731,819 the priesthood of Pishe
9 Yukiko 530 470,834 the priesthood of Gufnork
10 Exalted 525 797,424 the priesthood of Gufnork
11 Scouter 515 1,390,510 the priesthood of Hat
12 Julie
492 220,413 the priesthood of Gapp
13 Charon 467 242,766 the priesthood of Sandelfon
14 Adyton 456 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
15 Thoin 451 0 the priesthood of Hat
16 Shmant 450 257,263 the priesthood of Hat
17 Egon 440 430,266 the priesthood of Fish
18 Tarzan 432 0 the priesthood of Fish
19 Pranthea 428 746,919 the priesthood of Pishe
20 Kheemo 422 0 the priesthood of Pishe
21 Numb 415 0 the priesthood of Gapp
22 HaLoJ 407 468,773 the priesthood of Fish
23 Trip 406 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
24 Tameri 405 478,733 the priesthood of Pishe
25 Genesis 402 0 the priesthood of Pishe
26 Hupen 401 470,816 the priesthood of Pishe
27 Warrax 401 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
28 BeastEater 393 708,448 the priesthood of Sek
29 Tating 393 255,795 the priesthood of Sek
30 Kabo 393 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
31 Henrey 388 527,679 the priesthood of Pishe
32 Cadderly 387 133,252 the priesthood of Pishe
33 Pli 386 257,466 the priesthood of Pishe
34 Kirsty 386 0 the priesthood of Pishe
35 JustAnAlt 385 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
36 Kloke 384 657,484 the priesthood of Pishe
37 Hurukan 383 0 the priesthood of Pishe
38 Garrion 383 0 the priesthood of Pishe
39 Asaram 383 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
40 Clio 381 567,295 the priesthood of Pishe
41 Llia
381 0 the priesthood of Pishe
42 Stamen 380 488,163 the priesthood of Pishe
43 Sevyn 377 209,843 the priesthood of Pishe
44 Emma 375 274,514 the priesthood of Pishe
45 dIAlaPisHE 375 0 the priesthood of Pishe
46 Jeanie 374 0 the priesthood of Pishe
47 Breeze 374 304,794 the priesthood of Pishe
48 Zexium 374 0 the priesthood of Pishe
49 Djoan 372 0 the priesthood of Pishe
50 Stealth 370 0 the priesthood of Pishe
51 Serakyo 369 597,234 the priesthood of Pishe
52 Kukuri 364 182,823 the priesthood of Pishe
53 Lily 363 157,665 the priesthood of Fish
54 Zuga 361 0 the priesthood of Sek
55 Seirou 360 0 the priesthood of Gapp
56 Dvalinn 356 2,358,001 the priesthood of Sandelfon
57 Nethuns 356 0 the priesthood of Fish
58 Flotino 354 0 the priesthood of Pishe
59 Polleke 354 0 the priesthood of Fish
60 Tixal 354 0 the priesthood of Fish
61 Betta 353 458,483 the priesthood of Fish
62 Doc 353 106,475 the priesthood of Pishe
63 Poet 352 158,152 the priesthood of Pishe
64 Fulcrum 350 0 the priesthood of Pishe
65 Narf 349 0 the priesthood of Gapp
66 Zeal 348 42,866 the priesthood of Pishe
67 Xomniuri 345 0 the priesthood of Hat
68 Herb 345 0 the priesthood of Fish
69 Kevren 343 109,863 the priesthood of Pishe
70 Ade 343 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
71 Steve 343 112,618 the priesthood of Gufnork
72 Mishal 343 0 the priesthood of Sek
73 Fevvling 343 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
74 Ilde 342 761,608 the priesthood of Sandelfon
75 Anastazja 342 168,360 the priesthood of Fish
76 Kissaki 341 0 the priesthood of Pishe
77 Fegreac 341 0 the priesthood of Pishe
78 Dread 338 0 the priesthood of Fish
79 Oki 337 501,976 the priesthood of Sek
80 Elistan 337 0 the priesthood of Pishe
81 AsiLor 337 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
82 Vai 337 90,893 the priesthood of Sandelfon
83 Ezate 336 43,127 the priesthood of Sandelfon
84 Akva 334 0 the priesthood of Pishe
85 OhuBohu 333 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
86 Laule 333 0 the priesthood of Pishe
87 kupo 333 0 the priesthood of Pishe
88 Fraelin 332 0 the priesthood of Pishe
89 Nue 332 0 the priesthood of Pishe
90 Taliesin 330 561,844 the priesthood of Sek
91 Serlian 330 0 the priesthood of Hat
92 Saph 330 0 the priesthood of Sek
93 Filey 330 0 the priesthood of Gapp
94 Iphal 328 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
95 Wigglefigs
328 0 the priesthood of Hat
96 Voudun 327 76,223 the priesthood of Pishe
97 Xybic 327 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
98 Belanar 327 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
99 Juris 326 0 the priesthood of Pishe
100 Soothsayer 326 0 the priesthood of Pishe
101 Seima 326 0 the priesthood of Sek
102 Nairu 326 0 the priesthood of Pishe
103 Thalasso 325 0 the priesthood of Pishe
104 ionXp 325 0 the priesthood of Pishe
105 Eagleheart 325 0 the priesthood of Gapp
106 Chandler 325 0 the priesthood of Pishe
107 Cantaloupe 325 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
108 Aristootle 325 0 the priesthood of Fish
109 Takhisis 324 105,147 the priesthood of Sek
110 Etranger 324 27,094 the priesthood of Sek
111 Skipper 323 0 the priesthood of Fish
112 Kyrnin 323 0 the priesthood of Fish
113 Kiyo 322 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
114 Dragin 322 0 the priesthood of Gapp
115 Acantha 322 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
116 New 321 207,299 the priesthood of Pishe
117 Zmogus 321 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
118 Thakh 321 0 the priesthood of Hat
119 Pythium 321 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
120 Flexen 321 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
121 Bambi 321 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
122 Sidd 320 385,924 the priesthood of Hat
123 Indeed 320 0 the priesthood of Pishe
124 Nerevar 320 0 the priesthood of Hat
125 Boomer 319 34,249 the priesthood of Gufnork
126 Sevelille 319 0 the priesthood of Pishe
127 Tony 319 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
128 Killiyana 318 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
129 Haar 318 0 the priesthood of Pishe
130 Syacelion 317 111,839 the priesthood of Gufnork
131 Dylan 316 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
132 Tozan 315 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
133 Ganel 315 183,089 the priesthood of Pishe
134 Empathy 315 0 the priesthood of Hat
135 Artimus 315 0 the priesthood of Hat
136 Sulic 314 0 the priesthood of Sek
137 Damred 314 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
138 VikiQ 314 0 the priesthood of Pishe
139 Unslidge 314 0 the priesthood of Pishe
140 Cthulhu 314 0 the priesthood of Sek
141 Jeremiah 313 0 the priesthood of Pishe
142 Grin 313 0 the priesthood of Pishe
143 Craggor 313 0 the priesthood of Hat
144 Varthia 312 67,415 the priesthood of Gufnork
145 ToshiNama 312 0 the priesthood of Pishe
146 Avantguard 312 54,686 the priesthood of Fish
147 Phabian 311 0 the priesthood of Fish
148 eARTHWURM 311 89,308 the priesthood of Gufnork
149 Priesht 311 0 the priesthood of Pishe
150 Kathiaca 311 0 the priesthood of Pishe
151 Vernon 311 0 the priesthood of Pishe
152 Quick 310 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
153 Jozline 310 0 the priesthood of Hat
154 SachaLynn 310 0 the priesthood of Gapp
155 Bogor 310 0 the priesthood of Pishe
156 Alinnia 310 0 the priesthood of Pishe
157 Couchman 309 33,946 the priesthood of Pishe
158 TakeYume 308 0 the priesthood of Hat
159 Shenandoah 306 138,119 the priesthood of Pishe
160 Shand 306 27,306 the priesthood of Hat
161 Ketman 306 0 the priesthood of Sek
162 Warpdongle 305 115,381 the priesthood of Gufnork
163 HealingWindo 305 0 the priesthood of Hat
164 Xellos 305 21,988 the priesthood of Fish
165 Tsuki 305 107,637 the priesthood of Pishe
166 Avicenna 304 54,316 the priesthood of Pishe
167 Vedri 304 42,990 the priesthood of Sandelfon
168 Virtue 304 0 the priesthood of Sek
169 Rafaello 304 0 the priesthood of Pishe
170 Lakit 304 0 the priesthood of Fish
171 EisSchrube 304 0 the priesthood of Sek
172 Mikhail 303 0 the priesthood of Pishe
173 Midvalley 303 0 the priesthood of Pishe
174 Korak 303 0 the priesthood of Fish
175 Vayle 302 0 the priesthood of Pishe
176 GhostClown 302 0 the priesthood of Pishe
177 Shamoly 301 39,789 the priesthood of Gufnork
178 Lishe 301 52,697 the priesthood of Pishe
179 Trew 301 0 the priesthood of Pishe
180 Whisper 301 0 the priesthood of Pishe
181 Souffle 301 41,197 the priesthood of Gufnork
182 Jubilee 300 14,595 the priesthood of Pishe
183 Cruellus 300 0 the priesthood of Sek
184 Lekh 300 26,633 the priesthood of Sek
185 Asriel 300 0 the priesthood of Pishe
186 Pen 300 18,071 the priesthood of Fish
187 Rio 295 0 the priesthood of Gapp
188 Thteve 294 11,165 the priesthood of Fish
189 DaZ 290 40,966 the priesthood of Gapp
190 Jems 288 57,329 the priesthood of Sek
191 GiSt 285 37,845 the priesthood of Gapp
192 Narmio 285 0 the priesthood of Fish
193 Humboldt 284 50,743 the priesthood of Sek
194 Aengel 283 20,499 the priesthood of Pishe
195 Pius 282 0 the priesthood of Pishe
196 Otsid 281 0 the priesthood of Fish
197 Caliban 278 0 the priesthood of Gapp
198 Damiate 277 0 the priesthood of Pishe
199 Elranda 275 25,243 the priesthood of Gufnork
200 Corsair 275 16,983 the priesthood of Pishe
201 Maraka 274 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
202 Thrall 273 37,797 the priesthood of Sek
203 Pterminal 272 46,272 the priesthood of Sek
204 Toffeecake 271 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
205 Siilaan 271 0 the priesthood of Pishe
206 SeksOnLegs 269 0 the priesthood of Sek
207 Siddhartha 268 190,000 the priesthood of Sandelfon
208 Adria 267 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
209 Spontaneous 266 0 the priesthood of Hat
210 Fluff 265 40,424 the priesthood of Gufnork
211 Handstand 265 36,721 the priesthood of Pishe
212 PTHAG 265 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
213 QiYing 263 0 the priesthood of Gapp
214 Spirit 263 0 the priesthood of Gapp
215 Bane 262 41,433 the priesthood of Sek
216 Pri 261 0 the priesthood of Pishe
217 Meme 261 0 the priesthood of Pishe
218 Gerbal 260 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
219 Denai 260 0 the priesthood of Gapp
220 Elros 259 53,443 the priesthood of Pishe
221 Ilyas 258 40,047 the priesthood of Sek
222 Noodles 257 0 the priesthood of Sek
223 Knphz 255 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
224 Fizban 255 0 the priesthood of Pishe
225 Solfernus 254 13,865 the priesthood of Sek
226 Archoplytes 254 0 the priesthood of Fish
227 Gandalph 253 0 the priesthood of Pishe
228 Hannerz 253 0 the priesthood of Hat
229 Dagon 251 23,063 the priesthood of Fish
230 Xiphias 248 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
231 Sleepwalker 248 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
232 Carasel 246 0 the priesthood of Pishe
233 Shhasum 245 0 the priesthood of Pishe
234 BabelMonk 244 0 the priesthood of Fish
235 Shio 244 19,169 the priesthood of Fish
236 Kosh 243 0 the priesthood of Pishe
237 Sharkira 243 19,662 the priesthood of Fish
238 Emiko 240 0 the priesthood of Pishe
239 Jamm 239 0 the priesthood of Pishe
240 Holt 239 0 the priesthood of Fish
241 Yuffie 238 88,810 the priesthood of Pishe
242 Lazlo 238 0 the priesthood of Pishe
243 Latanza 236 0 the priesthood of Fish
244 Ebisu 235 193,050 the priesthood of Fish
245 Herakles 235 15,009 the priesthood of Pishe
246 Ptektonik 234 30,819 the priesthood of Sandelfon
247 Smashy 234 13,864 the priesthood of Sek
248 Latro 233 12,692 the priesthood of Pishe
249 Jaime 232 23,460 the priesthood of Fish
250 Milly 231 0 the priesthood of Pishe
251 Anarki 231 0 the priesthood of Hat
252 Eramael 229 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
253 Pupazz 229 0 the priesthood of Hat
254 Origin 229 0 the priesthood of Pishe
255 DoBBiN 228 0 the priesthood of Pishe
256 Shyo 228 40,600 the priesthood of Pishe
257 Aeb 227 0 the priesthood of Gapp
258 Sektite 225 666 the priesthood of Sek
259 Horack 225 0 the priesthood of Fish
260 Niakeeh 224 0 the priesthood of Pishe
261 Rain 223 0 the priesthood of Pishe
262 Haunt 223 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
263 Ftang 223 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
264 Brutal 221 0 the priesthood of Pishe
265 Edouard 220 26,946 the priesthood of Hat
266 Chrysania 220 0 the priesthood of Pishe
267 Epoc 219 0 the priesthood of Pishe
268 Plevoir 219 15,450 the priesthood of Pishe
269 Senexis 218 33,747 the priesthood of Sek
270 Gotrek 217 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
271 Baralai 215 47,541 the priesthood of Pishe
272 Ostro 214 26,245 the priesthood of Pishe
273 Aisley 214 0 the priesthood of Pishe
274 Wizini 213 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
275 Asami 213 0 the priesthood of Sek
276 Persephone 212 0 the priesthood of Pishe
277 Throm 212 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
278 Phagius 212 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
279 Lyria 211 27,678 the priesthood of Fish
280 Nadia 211 20,624 the priesthood of Sek
281 Miley 211 0 the priesthood of Pishe
282 Odium 209 0 the priesthood of Pishe
283 Melindrea 209 0 the priesthood of Gapp
284 Imvula 208 20,579 the priesthood of Pishe
285 Rii 208 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
286 Regis 208 0 the priesthood of Pishe
287 Moros 207 14,688 the priesthood of Gufnork
288 Foz 207 14,147 the priesthood of Gufnork
289 Grunt 207 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
290 Valis 206 17,333 the priesthood of Gapp
291 Klay 206 0 the priesthood of Pishe
292 SafeTing 204 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
293 Snotgurgle 203 18,413 the priesthood of Gufnork
294 Tella 203 0 the priesthood of Pishe
295 Arranha 203 0 the priesthood of Pishe
296 Hydra 203 25,655 the priesthood of Fish
297 vAnE 202 0 the priesthood of Fish
298 Snowcat 201 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
299 Quasar 201 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
300 Manny 201 0 the priesthood of Hat
301 Aska 200 0 the priesthood of Pishe
302 DvL 199 27,669 the priesthood of Sandelfon
303 Siriol 197 0 the priesthood of Pishe
304 Theseny 196 24,386 the priesthood of Fish
305 Ulinzi 195 15,128 the priesthood of Gufnork
306 Azu 195 0 the priesthood of Pishe
307 Morphic 193 0 the priesthood of Fish
308 Sevikt 192 13,141 the priesthood of Pishe
309 Oshni 191 0 the priesthood of Fish
310 Mascarada 190 0 the priesthood of Sek
311 deluge 187 0 the priesthood of Pishe
312 Sinlaw 187 36,611 the priesthood of Pishe
313 Casey 186 0 the priesthood of Gapp
314 Iasg 185 13,855 the priesthood of Fish
315 Mack 183 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
316 Kaedlyn 182 0 the priesthood of Pishe
317 Ryuashin 181 0 the priesthood of Pishe
318 Gilrad
180 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
319 Judith 177 23,417 the priesthood of Gapp
320 Loray 177 0 the priesthood of Pishe
321 Fiachra 176 35,145 the priesthood of Pishe
322 Joachim 175 0 the priesthood of Gapp
323 Zirallan 174 0 the priesthood of Pishe
324 Guffy 173 18,537 the priesthood of Gufnork
325 Caron 173 0 the priesthood of Pishe
326 Himbajs 171 18,107 the priesthood of Sek
327 Soupy 169 0 the priesthood of Pishe
328 Raina 168 13,166 the priesthood of Pishe
329 Tremen 168 0 the priesthood of Sek
330 Buzlaine 168 0 the priesthood of Pishe
331 Zelias 167 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
332 Lliiros 167 0 the priesthood of Pishe
333 Durathor 167 0 the priesthood of Pishe
334 Tylor 165 0 the priesthood of Pishe
335 Kimmest 163 0 the priesthood of Pishe
336 Jedi 162 0 the priesthood of Gapp
337 Mammon 161 0 the priesthood of Pishe
338 Not 160 13,346 the priesthood of Gapp
339 Stumble 159 16,206 the priesthood of Fish
340 Lilybeth 159 0 the priesthood of Sek
341 Flimo 159 0 the priesthood of Pishe
342 Ghub 158 0 the priesthood of Sek
343 Wowbagger 156 0 the priesthood of Pishe
344 Alba 156 0 the priesthood of Pishe
345 Fras 153 0 the priesthood of Pishe
346 Frey 152 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
347 Seahawk 151 13,788 the priesthood of Pishe
348 Bubachko 150 0 the priesthood of Sek
349 Sulvor 150 11,047 the priesthood of Sek
350 Ashes 148 0 the priesthood of Pishe
351 KazMir 148 0 the priesthood of Sek
352 Kleitch 146 0 the priesthood of Pishe
353 Clenton 145 0 the priesthood of Pishe
354 MacroMancer 145 0 the priesthood of Hat
355 Akakia 143 11,827 the priesthood of Fish
356 Nicola 142 11,736 the priesthood of Fish
357 Ceisc 138 11,324 the priesthood of Pishe
358 Jarbosk 137 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
359 Verethangra 136 0 the priesthood of Sek
360 Praise 136 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
361 Yoshio 134 12,506 the priesthood of Pishe
362 Hawk 134 25,864 the priesthood of Hat
363 Alergia 134 0 the priesthood of Sek
364 Sinner 133 0 the priesthood of Sek
365 Reden 132 20,092 the priesthood of Pishe
366 Asterion 129 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
367 How 129 0 the priesthood of Hat
368 Necrom 124 0 the priesthood of Hat
369 Ragnoth 123 0 the priesthood of Hat
370 Firefox 123 10,646 the priesthood of Pishe
371 Receipts 123 0 the priesthood of Pishe
372 RAGEtwo 122 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
373 Korel 122 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
374 Cure 121 10,228 the priesthood of Pishe
375 Magmaniemus 119 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
376 Yuta 119 0 the priesthood of Pishe
377 Vranick 118 20,447 the priesthood of Gufnork
378 Helen 117 0 the priesthood of Sek
379 Ballin 117 0 the priesthood of Fish
380 Kartoffel 116 48,930 the priesthood of Sandelfon
381 Kiri 116 11,720 the priesthood of Hat
382 Vaston 115 0 the priesthood of Pishe
383 iono 114 21,769 the priesthood of Pishe
384 Raywaen 114 10,000 the priesthood of Hat
385 Klawdees 113 0 the priesthood of Pishe
386 Watery 111 0 the priesthood of Fish
387 Medic 108 0 the priesthood of Pishe
388 Serra 105 0 the priesthood of Pishe
389 Poltes 105 0 the priesthood of Gapp
390 Hekubah 104 0 the priesthood of Pishe
391 Mursi 103 11,510 the priesthood of Pishe
392 Sidious 103 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
393 ReptileII 102 10,110 the priesthood of Pishe
394 Aahz 102 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
395 Incompetent 101 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
396 Gorazd 101 0 the priesthood of Pishe
397 Amalykyr 101 0 the priesthood of Gapp
398 Envy 100 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
399 Buttonfly 100 0 the priesthood of Pishe
400 Thalas 95 0 the priesthood of Fish
401 Kirye 94 10,176 the priesthood of Pishe
402 Saori 93 0 the priesthood of Hat
403 Dominatrix 91 0 the priesthood of Gapp
404 Slurms 89 0 the priesthood of Hat
405 Pingo 89 0 the priesthood of Gapp
406 cwn 88 0 the priesthood of Pishe
407 Arethusa 87 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
408 Imaginary 85 0 the priesthood of Hat
409 Razuuk 82 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
410 Mori 82 0 the priesthood of Sek
411 Akephalos 78 0 the priesthood of Hat
412 Beta 76 0 the priesthood of Fish
413 ShasheBel 76 0 the priesthood of Sek
414 Undine 71 0 the priesthood of Fish
415 Stan 68 0 the priesthood of Fish
416 Malpent 67 0 the priesthood of Hat
417 Grinnily 66 10,064 the priesthood of Sek
418 Kes 62 0 the priesthood of Sek
419 Hugi 60 0 the priesthood of Hat
420 Kizz 55 10,000 the priesthood of Hat
421 Obed 53 10,029 the priesthood of Fish
422 Pesto 47 15,298 the priesthood of Gufnork
423 Dreamweaver 41 0 the priesthood of Pishe
424 Leviathan 39 0 the priesthood of Fish
425 Cle 29 7,184 the priesthood of Pishe
426 Haremheb 8 0 the priesthood of Pishe
427 NotPite 1 0 the priesthood of Gapp
428 Kuekewak 1 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
429 Ivory 1 0 the priesthood of Sek
430 Sane 1 0 the priesthood of Gapp
431 Miff 1 0 the priesthood of Pishe
432 Adik 1 0 the priesthood of Sek
433 Hiccup 1 0 the priesthood of Hat
434 Friday 1 0 the priesthood of Hat
435 Que 1 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
436 Viviene 1 0 the priesthood of Pishe
437 Nedsram 1 0 the priesthood of Sek
438 Shayla 1 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
439 Tetra 1 0 the priesthood of Fish
440 Neitha 1 0 the priesthood of Gapp
441 Liala 1 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
442 Trillian 1 0 the priesthood of Hat
443 Beltora 1 0 the priesthood of Sek
444 BirdAddict 1 0 the priesthood of Hat
445 LaPluie 1 0 the priesthood of Pishe
446 Lesa 1 0 the priesthood of Pishe
447 Trinity 1 0 the priesthood of Pishe
448 Phorcys 1 0 the priesthood of Fish
449 Chamdar 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
450 Eli 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
451 Harth 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
452 Kalama 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
453 Nemert 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
454 Uheel 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
455 Andron 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
456 Angie 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
457 Doom 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
458 Friar 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
459 Manat 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
460 Nita 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
461 Hiraldius 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
462 Mari 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
463 Fenrir 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
464 Atalanta 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
465 Origintoo 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
466 Marius 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
467 Laconic 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
468 faithful 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
469 Sektus 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
470 Nila 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
471 Pit
0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
472 Lothim 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
473 Sandal 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
474 MachiSek 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
475 Silorn 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
476 Neptune 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
477 Trow 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
478 Jarkko 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
479 Munk 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
480 Thane 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
481 Pyrus 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
482 Kalten 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
483 Procyon 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
484 Zazzles 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
485 QbbLs 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
486 Ashimi 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
487 Svipul 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
488 Sheba 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
489 Asger 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
490 Ingalill 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
491 Chocolate 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
492 Psytropic 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
493 Alekzandra 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
494 Taf 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
495 Shahla 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
496 Ghaal 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
497 Uleza 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
498 Abigor 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
499 Jesp 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
500 Lesion 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
501 Xevion 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
502 Cliona 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
503 Priscus 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
504 Barcha 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
505 Penni 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
506 MachiSandie 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
507 bananas 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
508 Umaro 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
509 Gentle 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
510 Pallas 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
511 Striat 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
512 Gathal 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
513 Kuzum 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
514 Snorky 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
515 Roywyn 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
516 Loquax 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
517 Dali 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
518 Fae 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
519 Audrina 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
520 Neaulerie 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
521 Rhime 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
522 Shannon 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
523 Ederisien 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
524 Sampson 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
525 Pantomime 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
526 Lyraine 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
527 Miso 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
528 Vreni 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
529 Pox 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
530 MorosA 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
531 Armando 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
532 Pyvo 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
533 Corine 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
534 Zhaan 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
535 Dji 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
536 Kalista 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
537 Raelin 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
538 Succubus 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
539 Rusalka 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
540 Kiirby 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
541 Thalon 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
542 Zal 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
543 Isambard 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
544 Geomchi 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
545 HOH 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
546 Bigone 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
547 Wishes 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
548 Aine 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
549 Limmer 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
550 Delaldur 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
551 Aiko 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
552 vick 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
553 Wesl 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
554 Nisphozous 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
555 Balthasar 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
556 Ugglee 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
557 sParTy 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
558 Vicar 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
559 Yuuki 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
560 Kazatimiru 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
561 Cadel 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
562 Salmah 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
563 Sidarta 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
564 Sooshio 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
565 Karelia 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
566 Jennia 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
567 Alyce 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
568 Tarsiss 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
569 Ageas 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
570 Kettlebadger 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
571 Nimrod 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
572 Uber 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
573 Exarf 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
574 Vos 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
575 Gilbert 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
576 Psittacus 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
577 Sorry 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
578 Ruisan 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
579 Bluebelle 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
580 Solveig 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
581 Abaddon 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
582 Tela 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
583 Entity 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
584 Nesaia 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
585 Eclair 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
586 Pisces 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
587 Katy 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
588 Pishtol 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
589 MacBeth 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
590 Rodificer 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
591 Zenhur 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
592 Benjamin 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
593 Baltazar 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
594 MCZoot 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
595 Ajax 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
596 Tinuviel 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
597 Tene 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
598 Gamege 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
599 Matty 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
600 Jenni 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
601 Tzoeve 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
602 Lilit 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
603 Kacie 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
604 LooLaBelle 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
605 Opul 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
606 LittleHoward 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
607 Bfrank 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
608 Fugue 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
609 Knowshoes 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
610 Mercer 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
611 Mariana 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
612 Lala 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
613 Shiver 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
614 Hurry 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
615 Azakar 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
616 Nanami 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
617 Hildegarde 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
618 Heybert 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
619 Oenone 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
620 Redhat 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
621 Exsanguinate 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
622 CapnCrunch 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
623 Lava 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
624 Gurthur 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
625 Skyclad 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
626 Bonophile 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
627 visceral 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
628 bun 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
629 Carpe 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
630 Xiodic 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
631 Fezzik 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
632 Cray 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
633 Cin 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
634 Staci 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
635 Aziel 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
636 Nocturn 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
637 Antinua 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
638 Ava 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
639 iTriq 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
640 Equali 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
641 Chanel 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
642 Elan 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
643 Yasmine 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
644 Thoril 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
645 Teshal 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
646 Whalesong 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
647 Martine 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
648 Leviticus 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
649 Kaedes 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
650 Sinivar 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
651 Asade 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
652 raspberry 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
653 Undertaker 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
654 Mizer 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
655 Padre 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
656 Heather 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
657 Delta 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
658 Edoviel 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
659 Cassia 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
660 Lexie 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
661 Dejkop 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
662 Jitters 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
663 Eupolis 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
664 JiJi 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
665 Idic 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
666 Alktyre 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
667 Maltheus 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
668 Artakserkso 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
669 Jeck 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
670 Corleth 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
671 Espei 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
672 Faith 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
673 Bounci 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
674 Solana 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
675 Iolite 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
676 Gordia 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
677 Maev 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
678 Glys 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
679 Thaleia 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
680 Seris 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
681 Chymode 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
682 Sancti 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
683 Karras 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
684 Ratatui 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
685 Charisma 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
686 Letitia 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
687 Anwen 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
688 Alfyn 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
689 Nebogipfel 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
690 Olive 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
691 Ohm 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
692 Amoxicilin 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
693 Frondy 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
694 Pale 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
695 Fluttershy 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
696 Ahlin 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
697 Jackie 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
698 Alisa 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
699 SuperCow 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
700 Chelsea 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
701 Mialia 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
702 Wither 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
703 tah 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
704 Eulalia 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
705 Horizon 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
706 Nada 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
707 Foster 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
708 Tip 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
709 Zedian 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
710 Adrisa 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
711 Kakmonstret 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
712 Feyfi 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
713 Mormo 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
714 Minimal 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
715 Iona 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
716 Nyanjen 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
717 Heal 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
718 Topaz 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
719 Mathin 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
720 Baltare 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
721 Bans 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
722 Nathifah 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
723 Arianna 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
724 Cosima 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
725 Addo 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
726 Uesugi 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
727 Twoply 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
728 Kake 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
729 Cardboard 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
730 Otohime 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
731 Tigress 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
732 Raphael 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
733 Dinewiz 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
734 BloTTo 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
735 Orthen 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
736 Archaon 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
737 Sparkplug 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
738 Tauriel 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
739 Shay 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
740 eeltun 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
741 Weever 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
742 Kniel 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
743 Boureka 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
744 Miandar 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
745 Prodigy 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
746 Pahn 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
747 Sigh 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
748 Brin 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
749 Seraphim 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
750 Michael 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
751 Pso 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
752 Thumper 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
753 Tade 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
754 Astohamas 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
755 Harmless 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
756 Malvada 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
757 Quietus 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
758 Holyone 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
759 Behave 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
760 Sarasen 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
761 Yve 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
762 Asmodai 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
763 Cli 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
764 Cirdan 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
765 Jareth 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
766 Malice 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
767 Smaragdi 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
768 Splat 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
769 Singer 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
770 Laxadaisical 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
771 Hannibal 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
772 Killamanjaro 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
773 watermelon 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
774 Samael 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
775 clementine 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
776 Thanos 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
777 Sarene 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
778 Nami 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
779 Aerros 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
780 Maimonides 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
781 Wathl 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
782 Hattie 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
783 Sevenblossom 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
784 Elixa 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
785 Paragon 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
786 Rices 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
787 Maynard 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
788 Testpit 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
789 Spindlelegs 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
790 Walo 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
791 Hatvor 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
792 Randomname 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
793 NiceHat 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
794 Groot 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
795 Yaraina 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
796 Selina 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
797 Kadath 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
798 Nereus 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
799 Nunu 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
800 Sqwyshii 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
801 Carpo 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
802 Shinjuko 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
803 Clayton 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
804 Validan 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
805 Aleas 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
806 Qui 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
807 Twist 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
808 Mattick 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
809 Pimento 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
810 Fayrenuf 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
811 Patron 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
812 Goldfield 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
813 Vajisil 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
814 Nakor 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
815 Vill 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
816 Azathoth 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
817 Ospen 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
818 Rael 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
819 Domizio 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
820 Jahras 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
821 Orrin 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
822 Trqs 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
823 Tako 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
824 Humbe 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
825 Loby 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
826 Chiharu 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
827 Raiken 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
828 Wolke 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
829 StYx 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
830 Numberwang 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
831 Clariel 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
832 Samsara 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
833 Fresno 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
834 Nauk 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
835 Darius 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
836 Vaelsins 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
837 Kira 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
838 Beldin 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
839 Hospitality 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
840 NonFluffy 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
841 Nivelador 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
842 Creeper 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
843 Avion 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
844 Bugs 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
845 Craigifer 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
846 vaelsyns 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
847 Octriane 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
848 Notra 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
849 GuiseppiO 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
850 Drallin 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
851 Hidden 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
852 Earin 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
853 Brim 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
854 Duvamil 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
855 LilBlue 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
856 Neva 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
857 Chiuwerpon 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
858 Shadax 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
859 Silphium 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
860 Lillith 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
861 StinitS 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
862 Grumple 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
863 Biriani 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
864 kadathtest 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
865 Bessus 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
866 VOGUE 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
867 Reptile 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
868 Tuze 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
869 Krieg 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
870 Thuna 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
871 Algae 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
872 Alga 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
873 Syfierius 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
874 Mukluk 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
875 Robertsson 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
876 Jayem 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
877 barely 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
878 Lamia 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
879 Dwalla 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
880 Sarissa 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
881 Heartless 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
882 Ramza 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
883 Volen 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
884 Splinter 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
885 Poseidon 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
886 Milo 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
887 ChuMiShoo 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
888 MarleY 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
889 Ereviel 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
890 Cii 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
891 Tru 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
892 Irksum 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
893 Vinternatt 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
894 Kaelynn 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
895 GamGalkalon 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
896 Pillow 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
897 Xylon 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
898 Wido 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
899 Wale 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
900 Fin 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
901 Cadenza 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
902 Nitewulf 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
903 Miko 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
904 Umi 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
905 Estes 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
906 Shalan 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
907 Faust 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
908 Madras 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
909 Marenna 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
910 Tybalt 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
911 Phishing 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
912 Raksha 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
913 Itipri 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
914 Pattycakes 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
915 Aurumia 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
916 Ebrius 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
917 Morcant 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
918 Bitterblue 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
919 Coral 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
920 Elight 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
921 Rachel 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
922 Iznogoud 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
923 iTaxi 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
924 Richard 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
925 Talic 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
926 Rowan 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
927 Isune 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
928 Raseru 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
929 Sirene 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
930 Fort 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
931 Winba 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
932 Methane 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
933 Renenet 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
934 Shampoo 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
935 Phanuel 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
936 Augustus 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
937 FluffNStuff 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
938 Casio 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
939 Stoned 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
940 Dakota 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
941 Mandilip 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
942 Sharaelyn 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
943 Oryen 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
944 Themoid 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
945 Gnoob 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
946 Rune 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
947 Nichic 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
948 Alric 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
949 Ethera 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
950 Nixia 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
951 RedCap 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
952 Sobwyn 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
953 Epthin 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
954 Gillberto 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
955 MegaMaga 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
956 Cardolith 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
957 Salim 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
958 JustaHealr 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
959 Bagshade 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
960 aiyu 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
961 Abriami 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
962 Fihsmael 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
963 Pyramid 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
964 Search 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
965 Freel 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
966 StumpyJoe 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
967 Tuppy 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
968 Tylar 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
969 Pished 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
970 Kaede 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
971 Aureole 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
972 Brut 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
973 DemonShark 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
974 Kisolv 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
975 Goo 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
976 Flaque 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
977 Gary 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
978 Pebkac 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
979 Helios 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
980 Caliah 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
981 Backstabber 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
982 Kappa 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
983 Tansol 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
984 Muffins 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
985 Tomak 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
986 Fridge 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
987 Antheia 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
988 Baggel 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
989 Celene 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
990 Ilsa 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
991 Candi 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
992 Snook 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
993 HyperTopia 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
994 Wunderpus 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
995 Fleur 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
996 THebaTHtian 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
997 LaoTzu 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
998 HvaRch 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
999 Bedivere 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1000 Broldam 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1001 Tribble 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1002 Voimuri 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1003 Knero 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1004 Okurka 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1005 Kaamos 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1006 Rosalyn 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1007 Niamh 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1008 Gaiztoa 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1009 Relitto 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1010 Dawn 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1011 Geminii 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1012 Juniper 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1013 Kalara 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1014 Fehdra 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1015 Sardonyx 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1016 Fizz 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1017 Ptribyl 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1018 Jaxx 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1019 Sessine 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1020 Dyryn 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1021 Malkus 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1022 Welles 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1023 Shylea 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1024 Selignite 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1025 Zilvandria 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1026 Writhe 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1027 Noxes 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1028 Krogan 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1029 Hagi 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1030 Pygmalion 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1031 Razzel 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1032 Isla 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1033 Justice 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1034 Lithics 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1035 Tikal 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1036 Mukade 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1037 Morgoth 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1038 Flora 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1039 Rehyd 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1040 Foobar 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1041 Slane 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1042 HUNni 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1043 Stax 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1044 Offensive 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1045 NotChim 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
1046 Harker 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1047 Amida 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1048 Daisy 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1049 Ankhentok 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1050 Foralen 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
1051 Amneh 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1052 Coatlicue 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1053 Mira 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1054 Bananach 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1055 Thirkoth 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1056 FrightHound 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1057 Chiffonie 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1058 Myshella 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1059 Villareal 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
1060 Sooshioo 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1061 Spacecowboy 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1062 Claw 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1063 Tedd 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1064 Bubbles 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1065 Drimmy 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1066 Cinder 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1067 Hootch 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1068 Jericho 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1069 Erynis 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1070 Brak 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1071 Fosta 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1072 MarCus 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1073 MrSloth 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1074 Reyoge 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1075 Ferrach 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1076 Vulkan 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1077 Ikelos
0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
1078 Sapthan 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1079 Caspian 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1080 Koiboi 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1081 Boomshaka 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1082 Desty 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1083 ManicDep 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1084 HolyWolfie 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1085 Bennu 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1086 Lintel 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1087 Adin 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1088 Jabaru 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1089 Cadence 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1090 Anarchy 0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1091 Krum 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1092 Ravn 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
1093 Asagi 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1094 Pfrederick 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1095 Vidro 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1096 Rainbow 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1097 Yeezus 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1098 Masa 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1099 Dominic 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1100 Nauto 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1101 Bridgette 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1102 Minuette 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1103 Azil 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1104 Eshmetoku 0 0 the priesthood of Sandelfon
1105 Mochi 0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1106 Doenna 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1107 Tamarinda 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1108 Vinn 0 0 the priesthood of Gapp
1109 Jorlyn 0 0 the priesthood of Fish
1110 Crushakek 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1111 SeptaDextrus 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1112 Fez
0 0 the priesthood of Hat
1113 Wahtyeuptu
0 0 the priesthood of Gufnork
1114 Static 0 0 the priesthood of Sek
1115 Garikai 0 0 the priesthood of Pishe
1116 Ashune 0 0 the priesthood of Fish